Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Tombstone of the Lambert Castle

So like before, i went a while ago but i'm going to blog about it now.
So we drove up to Paterson after we were done exploring the Essex County Hospital Center (i'll blog about that in another post) Anyway, we drove up to the castle and i was pretty impressed, it looked pretty nice :) so we got out and started looking around for the Tombstone. We looked for a good 5 minuets and decided to go inside. we looked around the house/castle whatever you want to call it, for a while and on our way out we asked the people that worked there about the hidden tombstone they said that everyone asks about it but they have never seen it themselves. This lead me to think it wasn't there anymore. We went back outside and  decided to look around one more time. Just when i was about to give up i looked behind some type of electrical box and i found it! I wanted to go back in and tell the people that worked there where it was but i end up not doing that. Then we took a picture and headed off back on home.

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