Saturday, July 28, 2012

The Essex County Hospital Center

I went to this place a way long time ago but i'm going to blog about it now.
Anyway, i was sitting at home and i saw something on the website about the essex county hospital center aka overbrook being torn down soon so i said to myself that i had to go see it before anything happens. So me and my awesome grandpa got in the car and headed for the 2 hour drive up to cedar grove. I was really excited but nervous to go to the hospital. Excited because c'mon its an abandoned asylum and nervous because i didn't want to get caught. going north on the road we first got out on the left side where all the small buildings were we started to look around a bit and not even 5 minuets into our adventure we heard a loud bang and crash from inside one of the buildings. I assumed it was an animal. We then went over on the right side to where the wards were. We walked around on the outside for a really long time when my grandpa decided that we should go inside. So we went inside the kitchen first and looked around. they still had cans of food sitting there. i thought that was kind of gross. Anyway, then we went over to where the rooms were. Once i got inside i got the creepy feeling that someone was watching me. We poked around a little and decided to head back out because all there really was to see where more wards and they all looked the same. We didn't go to the morgue because we couldn't find it haha. so we only spent about 2 hours there and the good thing was we didn't get caught, no police no security guards, nothing it was awesome. This place has been by far my favorite place i've been to.

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