Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Blue Hole

So today i went to take a trip to the infamous Blue Hole in Winslow, NJ. 
For those of you who don't know what they blue hole is let me tell you.
The blue hole is a 100 ft almost round pond that is said to be bottomless. legend has it that if you swim in the blue hole a whirlpool will come up and suck you under. It is also said that it is a popular hang out for the Jersey Devil. In the 1930's it use to be a popular swim spot but soon sometime in the 1940's a storm came and washed away the bridge getting to the Blue hole. The water is perfectly clear unlike the other ponds located around it which are brown in color because of the iron in the ground, known to the locals as Cedar Water. the blue hole is also said to be freeing cold, even on the hottest days like today. Sometimes almost as low as 40 degrees.
So i packed up my car and headed down route 322 aka black horse pike, stopped at a wawa, and finally made it Piney Hollow rd. Now the directions say to take the first dirt road you come to which should be on the left so i did that. It said to pull over at the first little outing so i parked and walked around and noticed i was in the middle of an open area the blue hole is in the dense woods so i got back in my car and drove a little bit farther up. I pulled over at the next little opening and walked the path next to that and it lead me to a dead end. I walked back and decided to just explore the rest on foot. so i headed up the dirt road a little further. I then saw another path and walked it until it lead me to another dead end. Then i thought let me just go back to the car and maybe go home and do a little bit more research on where it is but when i got to the dirt road i decided to walk up the road some more just to see what was there. I finally got to another little opening with 2 paths. i took the first one, dead end again. i then took the second path which had blue marks on the trees so i thought to myself this had to be it. i walked for about 5 minuets and indeed it was the path! after searching for about an hour and being drenched in sweat i finally found it i then took a couple of pictures and took some of the broken bridge and the nearby greater egg harbor river. The water was blue and unlike it says in the weird NJ books there was plenty of wildlife in the water, turtles and such. it then took me about a half and hour to walk back to my car. When i got there i noticed i was out for almost two hours. But then again sometimes i'd do anything just to get the perfect picture

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