Friday, July 13, 2012

Holy, Holy Holy/ Man in the Iron Casket/ Face in the sidewalk

So after a long while since i went to a place for my documentary due to money problems but now that i have a new job i decided to get my documentary back on track. So i decided my next place would be to visit the holy, holy, holy alter, the man in the iron casket and the face in the sidewalk all located in historic mount holly. My boyfriend, steven, lives about 15 minuets away in a little town called wrightstown so i went up yesterday (July 12) after work and stayed the night. Then this morning we both got up and headed over to Mount Holly. First we visited the Man in the Iron casket. Now if i did my research correctly, The man is named Hezekiah B. Smith who owned the Smithville Mansion located in Smithville not too far away from Mount Holly. He was in love with a women named Angus, but she was not his legal wife. The rest of his family lived somewhere else, not in NJ, so when he died, to be forever next to his lover, he commanded that he be buried with a concrete slab under him, have his cakset be made out of Iron and ontop, another concrete slab, so that there would be no way for anyone to move him.

 Next we went to the Holy, Holy, Holy, alter on the mount off High street. we walked up to it, took some pictures. Legend has it that the alter houses the Jersey Devil and a women is chained up inside who woships the devil or something like that. I tried to find the Witches well too but i couldn't find it. I thought i found it near the water tower but im not 100% sure that was it or not.

 Lastly we went to see the face in the sidewalk. Basically it was just a concrete face sticking out from the edge of the sidewalk. Nothing really to be said about it.

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