Monday, July 23, 2012

Purgatory road/Purgatory house

So i went here a while ago, before i had this blog so i'm going to blog about it now.
So it's located in Southampton, NJ. We drove for about an hour and me and my grandpa finally arrived (my grandpa is no ordinary person he loves going to this kind of stuff with me and he doesn't slow me down he can keep up) anyway, i knew there was the abandoned house somewhere in the woods but at first i didn't see it. We drove up and down the road a couple of times (the people who live on the road must have been pretty annoyed) until my grandpa suddenly said "what's that in the woods?" and behold we found the purgatory house. so we parked in front of the path leading towards it. My grandpa stayed by the car and i went to go see the legendary Purgatory house. I didn't go inside because i never go inside an abandoned house alone who knows what could happen. so i took some picture of the exterior and went on back to the car. about a couple months later me and one of my friends Nicole decided to go on a little adventure so i suggested the Purgatory house since i really wanted to see what was inside. When i got home that night with my grandpa i looked up more things about the Purgatory house. everyone said it was haunted so i wanted to see if that was true also. So me and Nicole went into the house and saw it was falling apart. The floor looked like it was going to collapse any second but that didnt stop me. We explored the first level and then slowly went up the stairs to the second level. after exploring for a while and taking some pictures we decided to do a little daytime ghost hunting. We really didn't get anything until something happened that still creeps me out till this day. I heard really close to my ear the sound of someone exhaling. i have it on video and everything. it wasn't me or nicole and there was no wind and the road is pretty far from the house so it was weird. Then after we ate out at friendly's :)

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