Wednesday, August 1, 2012


so once again i've been here before but i'm going to blog about it now.
In the way south of New jersey by the Delaware bay sits this little place called bayside. there is nothing there, absolutely nothing except for some people sometimes fishing and stuff. The place used to be called the Caviar capital of the world but in the middle of the 20th century the fish eggs where caviar comes from declined and they named the spot bayside.
So one day i made my way down there. There are a bunch of roads you have to go down to get to the place and you pass by a lot of houses that look like they belong in the 1700's. Once you get down to bayside you can go on either of the two roads that brings you out to the bay.
Nothing really special about this place its in the middle of nowhere and there isn't anything to see really.

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