Thursday, August 16, 2012

Haunted Church Tunnel/The Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology

so yesterday i went on another on one of my little adventures.

Me and my grandfather traveled all the way up to Belleville, NJ to go take pictures of the Belleville Reformed Church and this abandoned Hospital called the Center for Molecular Medicine and Immunology. First we parked right on main street and walked up to the Belleville Reformed Church which is said to have haunted church tunnels underneath. it was founded in 1697 and was rebuilt in 1725 and again in 1807. It was a lookout for soldiers during the American Revolution. The current building was built in 1853. So we got out of the car and started taking pictures of the building. it was a beautiful building. Then my grandpa decided he wanted to go inside so i agreed and we tried opening every door but none of them would budge. it was a shame too because i really wanted to see the inside :( then we went around and found the cemetery were over 60 revolutionary soldiers are buried but just like the doors to the church the gate to the cemetery was locked and there was no way to get over the fence. so we go in the car and left to the next spot.

We only had to drive about 3 minuets and then out in this huge field was the Center for Molecular medicine and Immunology. It's now abandoned and falling apart but thats the beauty in abandoned buildings. So we going to walk around the block and up the driveway to the hospital but my grandpa couldn't walk that far. so we decided the drive around the back of it and walk to the front and take pictures but when we got to the back there was a cop. my heart sank but my grandpa wanted to get out and talk to the cop to see if we could just take pictures of the outside not the inside but when he talked to the women cop she said she really couldn't do that because she would defiantly get fired if she did which is totally understandable. She said if we wanted we could walk to the sidewalk in the front and take pictures there. So we drove around to the front and took pictures there.

After we were hungry and my grandpa wanted McDonalds and the nearest one was in East Orange. When we walked into the McDonalds everyone was starring at us because we the only white people there. The place was a dump too it was so gross. But we ate and got out ok. Now onto the next adventure!

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