Thursday, August 9, 2012

Turtle Back Rock/ Crystal Lake/ Rosedale Cemetery

So i went on yet another adventure to take some pictures. This time i went all the way to North Jersey, West Orange to be exact. My Grandpa went with me (don't make fun) because he enjoys on going on adventures with me and i enjoy the company. 
First we headed over to South Mountain Reservation where the Turtle Back Rock is, that was the main reason why we went there. I also wanted to see the scenic lookout where you can see New York City and the Hemlock Falls. First we went to see the Scenic Lookout. When we got out it was so thick and hazy outside you couldn't see the city! so we got back in the car and i took a look at the map and noticed that there was no parking near hemlock falls, so you would have to hike a while to get to it and because i had my grandpa with me who can do limited walking i decided to skip that. I also wanted to see the Orange reservoir but there was some party going on by it we also decided to skip that, but the main reason why we were going there was for the Turtle Back Rock and we were not going to skip that. We turned onto Walker Ave. found the entrance and parked the car in the lot. We found the path and we got a little lost but we eventually found the Turtle Back Rock, it was pretty cool. The rock is a huge boulder with some type of carvings that make the rock look like the back of a turtle shell. No one knows if it was natural or man made. After about a half hour of walking we finally made it back to the car and headed up to Crystal Lake.

Crystal Lake is located on the Orange Mountain right off Eagle Rock Ave, across from Eagle Rock Reservation and right behind the Eagle Rock Bowling Ally. Everything was eagle rock which i found kind of funny. Back in the day before the bowling ally was there, it used to be a amusement park and eventually it was abandoned and torn down. The only thing left of the amusement park is the lake, crystal lake. There are also said to be cannibals there at night. Nothing special really went on there while we visited, we just got out took a couple pictures and headed of to the Rosedale Cemetery.

The Rosedale Cemetery and Crematory is this HUGE cemetery located in west orange right off Orange ave of Washington St.,Depending on which entrance you come into. We went into the Orange Ave. entrance and parked the car. I walked around a bit while my grandpa stayed in the car to call my grandma. What a beautiful cemetery! It's all laid out nice and very well maintained. I found there were a lot of gravestones of Celtic crosses which makes me think there are a lot of Irish buried there. There were some Pretty Mausoleums there and some cool statues. I got a really awesome picture of three angels it looks like for hope, faith, and charity. After walking around there for about an hour we decided to head back home. 

In between Turtle Back and and Crystal lake we got pizza not to far some South Mountain reservation and it was horrible. It was like eating souse and cheese crackers the crust was thin, i just wanted to share that lol.

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