Friday, August 3, 2012

Georgian Court University/ The JL tree/ Moon Motel

So today i went on another adventure to take some pictures. First my boyfriend and i headed on over to Georgian Court University. The College is all fenced in so we though we wouldn't be able to get in because after all it is a private college. But we parked on a side street and walked in through this nice entrance gate thing. All i have to say is what a beautiful school it is! I wish i could go to school there, but then again i'm not rich haha. We walked around, took some pictures of statues, trees, nice things. I was waiting for security to ask us what we were doing there because it's summer and no one should really be walking around a college like that but we didn't get bothered at all. It was getting really hot outside so we tried to stay in the shade as much as possible. After taking a few pictures i decided that was enough so we got in the car and headed to the JL tree.
Now for those of you who don't know about the JL tree, here is some information:
As of right now where the JL tree stands is The Ocean County Garage where they store like snow salt and trucks and stuff but back in the 70's there used to be a park. In the 70's a boy named Jimmy Lynch was in the park late at night when rumor has it that 4 boys from school who stabbed him to death. When he died his girlfriend carved the letters JL into a tree. Since then the branches of the tree have formed into a J and a L. The L looks a little off but the J is defiantly there. So after visiting Georgian Court we headed on over there. When we got there i spotted it right away. We got out, took some pictures, and headed off quickly because we were trespassing and didn't want to get caught.
The next and final stop was the Moon Motel. there is not story to this one, it just has a weird name and is located in the weird NJ books as a minor roadside attraction. We parked behind the sonic and walked over to the sign. the sign looked ancient. It was rusted and the lights were falling off. Not only was the sign a wreck but so was the Motel! The pool was empty and the gate getting into there was broken, and there were weeds around it everywhere. Defiantly not a nice place to stay. There were reviews about the Motel online and alot of people said it was trashy and was a popular place for drug deals. 
After that we headed up to freehold to go to the mall to get my sister a present for her 18th birthday :)

Here is me at Georgian Court:

and me at the JL Tree

and finally me at the moon motel

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