Sunday, December 2, 2012

Atco Ghost, Atsion Lake, Carranza Monument

So last night i called my grandpa and asked him even though it was short notice, if we wanted to go to do a Location today since we can't do it Monday. He said he had plans. So this morning my mom wakes me up saying that he just called saying his plans were cancelled. So i got up and packed up the car, picked up my grandpa and we went to Atco, NJ.
Atco, NJ is home to the Atco ghost located on Burnt Mill Road. They say a kid got hit by a car chasing his basketball. If you park at the end of the road and turn off the lights and the engine and wait the ghost will appear. Well since we were not doing this at night, we just went to the end of the road, saw that there were soccer players playing in the rec. field, then turned around and took a quick picture under the street sign.

Next we got on chew rd. and onto 206 and headed up to Atsion Lake. There is a mansion there that is supposedly haunted. We parked the car in the parking lot and walked around taking pictures of the mansion and other buildings around it. I was looking in the woods and i saw another building in there but i figured we can hit it on the way back home since we were passing it anyway. 

Next we got pizza at Red Star Pizzeria. I went to this place on my way back home from Hurricane Harbor at Great Adventure so i knew the pizza was good. We then headed towards Tabernacle to see the Carranza Monument. Its located on Carranza rd. So we got on the road and we drove, and drove, and drove until we were in the middle of the Pine Barrens of Warren State Forest and we still didn't see it. Then we found it! It was about 4 miles away from 206. We got out took some pictures and left.

After we got back on 206 we stopped to see the building i saw in the woods, turns out it was a church that had a whole bunch of old gravestones in it by it. So we took some pictures and left for home. 

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