Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Inventor of Octane

So since i was staying at my boyfriends house this weekend i found a nearby location we could do. It was about a ten min ride from his house. It was the St. Mary’s Russian orthodox Church Cemetery. The inventor of Octane is buried there. So since we were at a get together with his friends last night and slept in till 12 then took a shower we didn’t leave the house until about 2:30 which is fine because it’s not like it was a long trip anyway.
I have seen the cemetery before on the way to the Deb grave in Imlaystown and i thought it looked nice and then when i got the Weird NJ magazines issues 4, 5, and 6 one of them mentioned that the Inventor of Octane was buried at this cemetery. So i told my boyfriend about it and he was down to go next time i went up. 
We drove up into the middle of the cemetery and parked. We got out and there were a TON of gravestones. i would say over 1,000 were buried there and it was a huge cemetery too. I had no idea what the gravestone of the octane guy looked like let alone know where it was located in the cemetery. So we just started looking around taking pictures of gravestones that looked cool. There was this big morgue in the middle-ish of the cemetery that was pretty cool. We found a couple gravestones that had the top of it has the top of a russian church. Most gravestones though had the Russian Cross as the top. While walking around my boyfriend whipped out his phone and googled the inventor of octane and found a picture of what the gravestone looked like. It was small and looked like alot of the other gravestones there. So since the cemetery was so big and we were running out of daylight we decided to just go home. I also took some pictures of the exterior of the church and we got back in the car and took a trip to the deb grave since it was about a 10 min drive from where we were and i really wanted to show my boyfriend. We didn’t spend too much time there and went home since we were freezing cold. 

My boyfriend has to get up early for school so i decided i’m going back to the cemetery to look for the gravestone of the inventor of octane and see if i can find it. Even though it will proly be really cold but whatever. 

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