Monday, January 7, 2013

The Inventor of Octane pt. 2

So i was supposed to wake up at the same time my boyfriend woke up today for school which is around 7:30 to get up and go back to the cemetery to find the Inventor of Octane. But our bed was so warm and cozy that i didn't want to get up so i slept right through the morning. When my boyfriend got out of school at like 10:45 he called and was like "i'm guessing you didn't go" and i said no and he laughed. But when he got home his friend called him asking him if he wanted to go to the gym and my boyfriend was willing to go so i decided while he was at the gym i would go to the cemetery.
So at like 12:15ish i got in my car and went to the cemetery while my boyfriend got in his car to go to the gym. Mind you i hate going to locations alone. i don't know i why i just don't like it. But i drove the 15 mins it took to get from his house to the Cemetery. I got there and there were like 5 cars there and i was wondering if there was a funeral today but it was just all people paying their respects. I got out of the car and began my search for the inventor of octane. i pulled up what the gravestone looked like and looked and looked section by section. I was in the front section when i decided to go down the stairs that were there to the bottom of a hill where there were three memorial gravestones. one was to something, i have no idea because the whole gravestone was in Russian. The Middle gravestone was just the name of the church and when it was founded and lastly the one on the left said someones name and then THE INVENTOR OF OCTANE. i was like holy crap i just found it. If i never came down the hill i would have spent all that time in the actual cemetery looking for it and would have never found it. I took some pictures with my Camera and my phone and sent a pictures message to my boyfriend. I got in the car and headed home. 
When i got back to my boyfriends house i told him where it was and he was like omg we were in the exact same spot yesterday! If only we looked harder at the gravestones!
So i'm happy i found it. And now were going to another location on Thursday, my grandpa is coming to this one so hopefully the weather is good!

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