Monday, November 19, 2012

Cape May Bunker

So since i found out last night i that i didn't have work i decided to go down to the Cape May Bunker and take pictures. I've done everything in that area except i needed a picture of me in front of the bunker to add to my album. So i got in my car this morning at around 11:30 and headed down the parkway. I then got off at Shellbay ave where i usually get off and i follow the signs for the Cape May Lighthouse. I was going down route 9 when i saw that the street i usually take by this school was ripped up. i then had to find another way to get to where i was going. I must have drove around cape may a million times before i found which was i had to go. I made it to the bunker and found out they were doing construction there on the beach with some huge pipe things i don't really know what they were doing but at first i thought i wasn't aloud on the beach but  i went anyway and i saw some people standing by the water so you were aloud on the beach. i took a picture of me by the bunker and went back to my car because it was so cold. i then wanted to take pictures in the historic part of cape may where all the little shops are but every other road was closed i couldn't find my way so i just went back home. and that was my trip.

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