When i woke up this morning i looked outside all excited to go to a location today and i saw it was raining. I got very disappointed and decided to go anyway maybe there it wasn't raining. So we got in the car, my boyfriend and i, and it was raining pretty hard. We stopped at a CVS to get a rain poncho see if that would help. We drove all the way out to Bayville, NJ and kept getting lost but we eventually made it to Double Trouble State Park. We parked the car and it was raining a tiny bit so i tried putting on the poncho but i made it have a big hole in it so i said forget it and made my boyfriend hold it while i took pictures. There are a lot of wooden houses there where it used to be homes for the people who worked in the Cranberry Bogs. I took some pictures of those. We followed the path and found the Cedar Creek. We also found a big lake filled with Cranberries and i took pictures of those. So what is so special about Double Trouble State Park? Well somewhere deep in the woods there is a area where there is a perfect circle of no trees. Some people say a meteor hit there and some say it was a UFO that landed there. Either way its a little weird. I was not going to go hiking though the woods looking for this because it would have took forever and my boyfriend would have strangled me. Plus we would have had to take canoes because that is how everyone else found it. Anyway then we got back in the car and drove to the next place.

We drove down Double Trouble road and i wanted to take a picture under the road sign. The one side of the road was too busy and i didn't want people to be like "what the hell are they doing?" so we went up the road a little bit and found an intersection where there was not so many cars. We quickly snapped the picture and went to the next place
Finally we drove up a road a little further to get to a place called Crystal Lake Rehabilitation center. Its basically a physical Therapy place where when you brake a bone or get into a car accident stuff like that. But it used to be a hotel and legend has it that before that it used to be Al Capone's summer home. There is said to be underground tunnels beneath the pond in the front of the building where he used to hide when the cops came looking. I thought It was interesting. so we snapped some pictures and i was trying not to get yelled at or something but we got the pictures and went on our way back home.
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