Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Devil's Tower/Oldest Doll In America/The White Manna

So today I got up at like 7:00am which isn’t really THAT early so i’m not complaining, but I got ready and went over to my Grandpa’s. We packed up the car and started on our long ride all the way up Alpine. We left at exactly 8:00am. We started on the Parkway, but we got stuck in traffic around Wall Township. We were stuck in that traffic for like half an hour and I was getting pissed. We finally made it up to Alpine at around 11:00 so it took us almost 3 hours to get up there. UGH.
We got up to Alpine and we went to see the Devil’s Tower. I was so excited to see this, there are so many legends about it I just wanted to see it for myself. We pulled up the the street it is on and there it was, the large stone clock tower that was said to house the devil himself (or something like that). We got out took some pictures and I was in awe over the structure it was so cool. Also the houses there were AMAZING and HUGE. We then got in the car and headed for the next thing.

Like I said in a earlier post I wasn’t sure if the Oldest Doll in America was still showcased at the Steuben house, and to my disappointment it wasn’t. So we just took pictures of the historic area around there which was nice I guess.

Lastly, we headed over to the White Manna in Hackensack to eat. The place was so little and cute. We took some pictures and now everyone knew we were not locals. We walked in and sat and ordered our food and it was really good! The people who owned it were nice too. We had a nice time. 

After that it looked like it was going to storm (it was threatening scatter T-Storms all day) so we just decided to go home even though we still had two more things to do on the list. We also hit traffic on the way back too, my luck. I got called into work on my way back home too so i immediately walked in the door to my house, put my camera away, got dressed and went to work and worked my ass off and now i’m really tired so I’m going to bed.

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